
Download the new Toggle Clamping Catalogue

Brauer's 185 page Toggle Clamps Catalogue Toggle Clamps and Clamping Product Catalogue, with more than 40 new clamping products, making Brauer the only quality, full range UK manufacturer of toggle clamps in Europe.

 The inclusion of clamping levers and hoist rings which can be found in the Brauer Standard Parts catalogue, adds to the recognition of customer needs. 

Many products from China are not made to the standards expected in Europe; we all have experience of wasting money on something which is made a lot worse for a little less, Experienced people now buy it right the first time.

Toggle clamps approved by and used in the automotive companies worldwide, Brauer is their toggle clamp of choice, why not make it yours.

Brauer's manufacturing believes in  'Durable by Design' which many cannot follow.

For your copy of Brauer’s 185 page toggle clamps catalogue, just email us today!

DOWNLOAD: the clamping catalogue in .pdf click here

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